Camilla 선생님이 전하는 English Tip! #4 Fact and Value (not “Pact and Ballyhoo”)
ISS of BC (66.119.165.XXX) / 번호: 7509 / 등록: 2011-11-25 14:01 / 수정: 2011-11-25 14:08 / 조회수: 4126

Pronunciation: Fact and Value (not “Pact and Ballyhoo”)

”F” and “V” sounds can be challenging for Korean speakers. Often, speakers make a “p” or “b” instead. In English, these sounds are often very important in meaning, so it’s necessary to make them clearly.

Examples: Consider “For you”, and “poor you”. If you hear the second one, it means you have been complaining too much! If you give someone a gift and say “Poor you”, it sounds like you are criticizing them for whining.

Listeners may be embarrassed if you confuse “I have trouble with my vowels” and “I have trouble with my bowels”!

To do it right:

· When you make “V” or “F”, your top teeth catch your lower lip, and air comes out of your mouth (your lips do not touch each other).

· When you make a “B” or “P”, your lips touch and no air escapes until the end of the sound.

· “V” and ”B” are voiced. You can feel your vocal cords vibrate when you make these sounds. (VEIL, BALE)

· “F” and ”P” are unvoiced. Your vocal cords are not used for these sounds. (FAIL, PAIL)

To practice:

1. Write many pairs of words that can have V or B, and F or P (like VERY and BERRY, or FIRST and PURSED, or LAUGHED and LAPPED). Find a partner who understands English. Say one word of each pair, and your partner must point to the word he or she heard. If your partner isn’t sure, you may need more practice!

2. Record yourself saying words with the sounds you need to practice. Listen to yourself. Can you hear the difference between the sounds? Play your recording to friends. Can they hear the correct sounds?

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